We offer support and encouragement for the siblings of NICU patients.

While parents are caring for their newest child, a sibling can feel alone and emotionally stressed. We help the sibling acknowledge how they're feeling and uplift them in order to put them more at ease.

Our Mission Statement

A dedicated community of NICU siblings, friends, family, sponsors and others who care about everyone's well being throughout the process of having or knowing a baby in the NICU.

Some of us have had the experience of being the sibling of a NICU patient. Some of us are family who have had a child in the NICU. Others are friends who have supported NICU families. In our experience, siblings tend to be overlooked in the process both physically and emotionally. Most of the attention falls onto the parents of the NICU baby. The siblings need just as much special attention during this time as the parents do. We work to make that happen.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! There is a wonderful organization called Miracle Babies that provides direct and supportive services so families can be with their critically ill babies in the NICU, thereby reducing the babies’ stress and changing health outcomes.

You can support NICU Siblings by buying or printing out our book as well as donating to our organization.

Our founder, Mary Fogarty, was a NICU sibling. During the time that her brother was in the NICU, she noticed the extra love her parents got from the hospital and other people and she began to feel neglected. She wants to help other NICU siblings so that they never feel that way.

Our book was made to give NICU siblings a place to reflect on their experience and emotions as well as excercise their minds through activities. It's chock full of places for them to draw and write.

This applies to both friends and family- speak to them one on one and have an open conversation. You can also give them a copy of our book which will allow them to reflect on their emotions and understand what they are going through. Visit our Services section for more!

You can email us at nicusiblings@gmail.com!

Who we are

Mary Fogarty

Our Founder

Mary Fogarty was ten years old when her brother entered the NICU. At such a young age, she was unsure how to process what was happening to her baby brother. This prompted Mary to create NICU Siblings. She empathizes with any and all NICU siblings that feel scared or hurt and hopes the book she wrote brings them peace of mind.


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